Spesso, sopratutto durante le trasmissioni su Rai Gulp, lo staff del sito Pretty-Cure.it, la pagina facebook o tramite MAIL ricevono parecchie RICHIESTE riguardo i Gadgets di Pretty Cure: Fans e addirittura GENITORI Chiedono dove è possibile acquistare prodotti come Bambole, album di figurine e altro in ITALIA. La risposta è sempre la stessa: In Italia la Rai non vuole sfruttare il potenziale della serie, che rimane senza gadgets.Questo ha ovviamente un effetto alternativo: Ci sono genitori chi comprano dei prodotti senza marchio che assomigliano a quelli della serie, c'è chi acquista prodotti non originali ecc, come i prodotti di esempio che seguono per far contenti i propri bambini:
Often, especially during the broadcast on Rai Gulp, the staff of Pretty-Cure.it website, facebook page or by receiving several MAIL REQUESTS about Gadgets Pretty Cure: Fans and even PARENTS They ask where you can buy products such as dolls, sticker album and more in ITALY. The answer is always the same: In Italy, Rai does not want to exploit the potential of the series, which remains without gadgets. This obviously has an alternative effect: There are parents who buy products without brand that resemble those of the series, there is those who buy non-genuine products, etc., as the following sample products to please their children:
Often, especially during the broadcast on Rai Gulp, the staff of Pretty-Cure.it website, facebook page or by receiving several MAIL REQUESTS about Gadgets Pretty Cure: Fans and even PARENTS They ask where you can buy products such as dolls, sticker album and more in ITALY. The answer is always the same: In Italy, Rai does not want to exploit the potential of the series, which remains without gadgets. This obviously has an alternative effect: There are parents who buy products without brand that resemble those of the series, there is those who buy non-genuine products, etc., as the following sample products to please their children:
Oppure ci sono addirittura mamme che chiedono su commissione BAMBOLE fatte totalmente a mano, come il recente caso di questa bambina che guardando le Pretty Cure su Rai Gulp si è innamorata della serie ed ha chiesto alla mamma le bambole: Non esistendo, ha fatto richiesta a persone esperte per realizzare il sogno della figlia, che adesso può rivivere le avventure guardate in televisione:
Or there are even asking mothers on commission DOLLS made entirely by hand, as the recent case of this little girl watching the Pretty Cure on Rai Gulp is in love with the series and asked the mother dolls: Not existing, has made application to experienced people to realize the dream of his daughter, who now can look life adventures on television:
Or there are even asking mothers on commission DOLLS made entirely by hand, as the recent case of this little girl watching the Pretty Cure on Rai Gulp is in love with the series and asked the mother dolls: Not existing, has made application to experienced people to realize the dream of his daughter, who now can look life adventures on television:
Non è un caso isolato, ci sono fans adulti che chiedono su commissione bambole della serie come le seguenti:
It is not an isolated case, there are adults fans who ask to order dolls handamde of the series as the following:
Ci chiediamo: Perchè tutto questo? Non è corretto che tante bambine-bambini e fans debbano avere questa mancanza quando poi NUMEROSE serie a volte veramente SCONOSCIUTE possano al contrario di Pretty Cure godere del merchandising in italia. Speriamo che la RAI e la Toei Animation prenda presto provvedimenti.
We ask: Why all this? It is not correct that so many girls-boys and fans should have this lack when then NOT POPULAR series sometimes can really opposed to Pretty Cure enjoy the merchandising in Italy. We hope that RAI and Toei Animation take early measures.
We ask: Why all this? It is not correct that so many girls-boys and fans should have this lack when then NOT POPULAR series sometimes can really opposed to Pretty Cure enjoy the merchandising in Italy. We hope that RAI and Toei Animation take early measures.
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