La primissima serie di Pretty Cure debutta in italia ufficialmente nel mese di Ottobre 2005 su Rai Due nella fascia pomeridiana. Nonostante Giorgiana Pagliari (Rai Trade) ha dichiarato che gli ascolti erano buoni, la serie è stata bruscamente spostata al mattino dopo SOLE pochissime settimane di trasmissione in prima visione. E' possibile immaginare quindi L'OVVIO risultato di vendite di tutti i prodotti a marchio Pretty Cure usciti nel commercio da parte di Gig/Giochi Preziosi, Edibas e Giunti. Nonostante lo spostamento, GIOCHI PREZIOSI ha dichiarato telefonicamente che la vendite non sono state da "flop" ma nemmeno come loro speravano,ovvero un grande successo commerciale. Perchè immettere nel commercio tanti prodotti se poi la serie viene sospesa stranamente al mattino dopo poche settimane?! Pensiamo che questo abbia definito il "blocco" dei successivi gadgets Pretty Cure in Italia. L'azienda Giochi Preziosi pensa quindi che i prodotti con questo marchio non venderanno mai: Ma le serie cambiano, i protagonisti anche e gli ascolti delle serie successive sono INCORAGGIANTI: Basti pensare che Pretty Cure Max Heart nonostante fosse mandato in onda al mattino arrivò a picchi di 650.000 telespettatori, con share del 14% circa entrando al 10° posto dei PROGRAMMI più guardati di RaiDue. Non da meno Pretty Cure Splash Star che rimaneva stabile con il 13% di share. Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Go Go arrivò a fare addirittura 600.000 telespettatori ogni Sabato e Domenica mattina, battendo anche degli episodi della 5° stagione di Sailor Moon in concomitanza su Italia 1. La prova del fatto che Pretty Cure può tornare tranquillamente a far successo anche in replica arriva da RAI GULP, quando nel 2010 vengono replicate con GRANDE SUCCESSO le prime 4 serie sul canale. SIPRA (Ora Rai Pubblicità) ha dichirato con dei grafici auditel (che posso tranquillamente inviaire su richiesta) che Pretty Cure superavano OGNI GIORNO e del DOPPIO la media giornaliera del canale, come ad esempio calcolando tutti i telespettatori dei 4 slot di programmazione dell'episodio numero 1 ha totalizzato 284.676 telespettatori, share TOTALE satellite RAI: 25.52% di share. Portando il canale a replicarle più volte trasmettendo addirittura 2 serie in contemporanea in diverse fascie orarie, trasmettendo i vari film alle ore 19 di ogni Sabato sera. Anche Giorgio Buscaglia (Rai) ha confermato via mail che Pretty Cure ha portato numerosi telespettatori al canale. Nonostante il crollo generale degli ascolti nelle fascie mattutine delle tv generaliste (Rai,Mediaset) Ancora oggi Pretty Cure riesce a portare numerosi ascolti e nuovi telespettatori, ad esempio a Giugno 2013 vengono ritrasmesse la 4°,5° e 6° stagione, e nascono così numerosissime pagine facebook dedicate alla saga create da NUOVE fans che lo hanno scoperte su Rai Gulp, ad esempio il 22 luglio 2013 "Yes Pretty Cure 5 Go Go" alle ore 13.19 ottiene 126.000 telespettatori e lo 0.76 di share, superando la media del canale (0,44 di share circa) Superando spesso anche cartoni come "Battle Spirits", "Winx Club" o serie tv come la famosissima VIOLETTA (fonte: Ufficio stampa Rai)
The very first series of Pretty Cure officially debuted in Italy in the month of October 2005 on Rai Due in the afternoon slot. Despite Giorgiana Pagliari (Rai Trade) stated that the ratings were good, the series was abruptly moved to the morning after a few weeks of transmission first-run movies. And 'possible to imagine then the obvious result of sales of all branded products Pretty Cure released in the market by Gig / Giochi Preziosi, Edibas and Giunti. Despite the move, Giochi Preziosi said by telephone that the sales were not as "flop" but even as they hoped, that a great commercial success. Why so many products enter the market if the series is then suspended strangely in the morning after a few weeks?! We think this has defined the "lock" of the ensuing gadgets Pretty Cure in Italy. The company Giochi Preziosi think that products with this brand never sell: But the change series, the protagonists and the ratings of the following series are ENCOURAGING: Suffice it to say that Pretty Cure Max Heart despite being aired in the morning he came to peak of 650,000 viewers, with a share of about 14% coming in at 10th place of the most watched PROGRAMS Rai Due. Not to be outdone Pretty Cure Splash Star remained stable with 13% share. Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Go Go came to do even 600,000 viewers every Saturday and Sunday morning, beating even the episodes of the 5th season of Sailor Moon from concurrent, Italy 1. The proof of the fact that Pretty Cure can safely return to be successful in the replica comes from RAI GULP, when in 2008 are replicated with great success the first 4 series on the channel. SIPRA has declared in graphs with auditel that Pretty Cure exceeded DAILY DOUBLE and the daily average of the channel, the channel leading to replicate repeatedly transmitting even 2 sets at the same time in different time zones, sending several films at 19 pm every Saturday evening. Even Giorgio Buscaglia (Rai) has confirmed by email that Pretty Cure has brought many viewers to the channel. Despite the general collapse of the plays in the morning ranges of generalist TV (Rai, Mediaset) Today Pretty Cure is able to bring many new television viewers, eg in June 2013 is transmitted back the 4th and 5th season, and come so numerous pages facebook dedicated to the saga created by new fans who have discovered on Rai Gulp. July 22, 2013 "Yes Pretty Cure 5 Go Go" at 13:19 get 126,000 viewers and 0.76 share, exceeding the average of the channel (about 0.44 share) Overcoming often souls like "Battle Spirits" or series TV such as the famous VIOLETTA (source: Office Press Rai)
The very first series of Pretty Cure officially debuted in Italy in the month of October 2005 on Rai Due in the afternoon slot. Despite Giorgiana Pagliari (Rai Trade) stated that the ratings were good, the series was abruptly moved to the morning after a few weeks of transmission first-run movies. And 'possible to imagine then the obvious result of sales of all branded products Pretty Cure released in the market by Gig / Giochi Preziosi, Edibas and Giunti. Despite the move, Giochi Preziosi said by telephone that the sales were not as "flop" but even as they hoped, that a great commercial success. Why so many products enter the market if the series is then suspended strangely in the morning after a few weeks?! We think this has defined the "lock" of the ensuing gadgets Pretty Cure in Italy. The company Giochi Preziosi think that products with this brand never sell: But the change series, the protagonists and the ratings of the following series are ENCOURAGING: Suffice it to say that Pretty Cure Max Heart despite being aired in the morning he came to peak of 650,000 viewers, with a share of about 14% coming in at 10th place of the most watched PROGRAMS Rai Due. Not to be outdone Pretty Cure Splash Star remained stable with 13% share. Yes! Pretty Cure 5 Go Go came to do even 600,000 viewers every Saturday and Sunday morning, beating even the episodes of the 5th season of Sailor Moon from concurrent, Italy 1. The proof of the fact that Pretty Cure can safely return to be successful in the replica comes from RAI GULP, when in 2008 are replicated with great success the first 4 series on the channel. SIPRA has declared in graphs with auditel that Pretty Cure exceeded DAILY DOUBLE and the daily average of the channel, the channel leading to replicate repeatedly transmitting even 2 sets at the same time in different time zones, sending several films at 19 pm every Saturday evening. Even Giorgio Buscaglia (Rai) has confirmed by email that Pretty Cure has brought many viewers to the channel. Despite the general collapse of the plays in the morning ranges of generalist TV (Rai, Mediaset) Today Pretty Cure is able to bring many new television viewers, eg in June 2013 is transmitted back the 4th and 5th season, and come so numerous pages facebook dedicated to the saga created by new fans who have discovered on Rai Gulp. July 22, 2013 "Yes Pretty Cure 5 Go Go" at 13:19 get 126,000 viewers and 0.76 share, exceeding the average of the channel (about 0.44 share) Overcoming often souls like "Battle Spirits" or series TV such as the famous VIOLETTA (source: Office Press Rai)
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