Benvenuti nel blog creato per spronare aziende italiane ad acquistare i diritti per avere nel territorio italiano prodotti merchandising delle serie di PRETTY CURE, in onda con ottimi ascolti sul canale Rai Gulp e Rai Due. Invitiamo le aziende a leggere quello che abbiamo scritto nelle sezioni del menu qui a destra e a CONTATTARCI in caso di ulteriori informazioni o qualsiasi tipo di richiesta. E' ben accettato qualsiasi aiuto, se qualcuno conosce persone che ci possano aiutare, oppure avete dei contatti da poterci passare, vi preghiamo di scrivervi, ogni aiuto è importante. A tutti i fans continuamo a chiedere di cliccare MI PIACE alla pagina facebook: PETIZIONE: VOGLIAMO I GADGETS IN ITALIA. Grazie.
Welcome to the blog created to encourage Italian companies to buy the rights for merchandising products in the territory of the Italian series of PRETTY CURE, broadcast with excellent ratings on the channel Rai Due and Rai Gulp. We invite companies to read what we have written in the sections of the menu on the right and CONTACT US if you have further information or any inquiry. And 'well-accepted any help, if anyone knows people who can help us, or do you have contacts that we can go, please write to you, any help is important. To all the fans we continue to ask you to click LIKE the facebook page: PETITION: I WANT TO GADGETS IN ITALY. Thank you.
Welcome to the blog created to encourage Italian companies to buy the rights for merchandising products in the territory of the Italian series of PRETTY CURE, broadcast with excellent ratings on the channel Rai Due and Rai Gulp. We invite companies to read what we have written in the sections of the menu on the right and CONTACT US if you have further information or any inquiry. And 'well-accepted any help, if anyone knows people who can help us, or do you have contacts that we can go, please write to you, any help is important. To all the fans we continue to ask you to click LIKE the facebook page: PETITION: I WANT TO GADGETS IN ITALY. Thank you.